Testimonials are starting to come in from people who are getting wonderful results from Beleaf CBD products. What’s your experience so far? We’d love to hear and we’re here to help.
“For over 2 years now I would wake at 2- 2:30 every night. Most nights I could not get back to sleep. I am bone on bone in both knees and still work a full time job that takes a lot of steps throughout the day, over a large campus. I decided to try the oral 1500 mg full spectrum drops. The first thing I noticed was a calm over me, then a full night sleep where I awoke rested like I had not felt over 2 years. The knee pain takes less Aleve throughout the day, I was trying to decrease it due to stomach upset. Now I can due to the amount of relief from Beleaf CBD drops. I just ordered the pills to see if I get the same relief from them, because I went through 1 bottle of drops in 2 weeks. Can’t wait to try the capsules when they get here. This has really been my go to for so many symptoms associated with aging. I’m so glad I walked into that shop and inquired about CBD drops.”
““I have been able to keep my cool in the most stressful situations at work. I also feel incredibly happy. Which is a big deal for me because my anxiety has pretty much taken over my life. I am so happy that you suggested I take this oil!!
I have also not had a sip of wine in three weeks. That is what I usually went to to calm my anxiety. And it usually was really hard to keep it to just one glass. 😢 So this is great that I’m able to stay focused and clear while calming my anxiety””
“Hello... I have had arthritis for many years, due to multiple surgeries on feet, wrist and knees. I have had shots in joints when needed. Those worked for a few months at a time.
When I was made aware of CBD and the potential positive impact, I tried it and have been more than pleased with the results!I use BeLeaf full spectrum cbd orally and I rub the balm in the needed joints.I currently have no pain, as long as I use daily. The product is 100% natural, and I have had zero side effects! Thanks.”
“I’m 55, work out 5 days/week, eat decently. Most would consider me healthy.
However, several life-changing events occurred over the past several years, and these created enormous stress. The result of the stress, anxiety, fatigue, and horrible insomnia.
I’ve tried every possible prescription pharmaceutical. From ambien to ativan, plus others; nothing helped my insomnia. I’d go to bed at 11p, and watch the clock until 2am, while the wheels in my head spun nonstop.
I’m open to trying new things, as I’m always seeking a sleep solution. People had mentioned CBD, but I had not tried it.
I tried the BeLeaf CBD oil. Started with 1/2 dropper, then 1 dropper. Disappointed, I decided to try one more time. Saturday, I tried 2 droppers. For the first time in over 6 months, I slept! I slept 9 hours. I woke up the next morning and was actually singing on the way to the gym.
4 days later, same routine, and every night is the same- I sleep!
I have physician buddies and I own business that is driven by quantitative research, so I’m extremely pragmatic and logical.
Bottom line, it worked for me!
There are no panaceas, but if sleep is an issue, BeLeaf CBD is a must try.”
“My name is Kevin & I am a retired US Army Staff Sergeant. I’ve been deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan & Somalia during my time in service & have seen extensive combat as a paratrooper. I’ve struggled from a lack of sleep since my retirement, as well as experiencing some joint pain & discomfort in both of my knees & hands. Since I started taking BeLeaf Life Oil about a month ago, I’ve been able to sleep better through the night & the discomfort in my joints has subsided. Additionally, I feel an alertness that I haven’t felt in years. I would recommend these products to any current or former military personnel.”
“The past three years I have suffered from anxiety, maybe it’s from getting older, it could be just life in general that causes these stressful days. I have wanted to find a way to make it better without popping a pill to settle me down. I do other things such as working out, reading, staying away from caffeine, things that could help with my anxiety, and those things do help, but I needed something more.
One day a friend took the time to chat about the BeLeaf Products and he caught my interest. We are all a little skeptical at first because so many others try to tell us it will not work. Well, I am one to tell you that I truly believe it works for me. I have been taking the CBD Oil for over a month now, and once I went without it for a full day. That afternoon I had anxiety hit me, not terrible, but I had not had that feeling ever since I started taking the BeLeaf Full Spectrum 1500 mg tincture. I also have cut down my medicine intake and hoping to “weed” me off of it completely.
This has made me a true believer and hoping that others will find the same relief as I did.”
“I have played hockey for over 17 years, and the physicality has taken a toll on my body. My chiropractor described the condition of my skeletal system as someone who survived a 10 story fall. Needless to say, I have chronic pain. Sitting or driving for any length of time is difficult. Not to mention the pain waking me throughout the night. I started taking BeLeaf, and after two days I noticed a tremendous difference. I could drive for hours with out stopping to stretch, and I can finally sleep through the night! I recently fractured my hand, and have been using the BeLeaf balm. The pain relief is instantaneous. BeLeaf has improved my quality of life and allows me to continue playing the sport I love!”
“Three years ago I got shingles. They started at my eyebrow and down the backside of head and neck. I have had nerve problems ever since. I now use the 10 CBD chocolate with sea salt. This product works and calms the nerve endings in my face. It is the only thing that works.”
“Having been a college athlete, and one who worked out a lot all my life, at age 70 I was now really feeling stiff and sore. That impaired my movement, balance and strength. What attracted me to BeLeaf Life’s Oils CBD is its properties that seem to create less inflammation and a greater sense of fluidity. It is most notable in the mornings, and when I don’t take it, I can tell a difference. I still run about 15 miles a week, and staying mobile is so important. When your joints and muscles are nurtured , effort is enhanced. BeLeaf Life’s Oils CBD is the fuel and lubricant that helps keep me moving.”
“I am very happy with the order I received. I have used Beleaf CBD oil for a couple of years, and I depend on it to help with my muscle aches. Also, the website makes it easy and convenient to order, and it’s amazing how quickly my order arrives. I don’t think it has ever taken over two days. I don’t know how you do it. Thanks for providing these products.”
“About a year and a half ago my son was playing soccer and he broke his big toe in the growth plate. After going to urgent care and then an orthopedic surgeon, they decided to put two pins in his foot to help the healing process. As soon as he hurt his foot, I started putting CBD cream on his foot for the pain. Which helped tremendously! He then went a few days later for out patient surgery. They sent us home with a prescription to percocet. When I got him home and the anesthesia had worn off, I gave him one of the percocet as proscribed. A few hour later when the percocet had worn off he informed me that he just wanted to go back to the CBD cream because that was the only thing that truly made it feel better. He did not take any more of the percocet during the healing process. Needless to say CBD cream has become a staple in our house hold and it is our first line of defense for pain relief. From headaches to back pain we use it for so many things. We joke in our house because he has become the poster child for CBD cream. He and I both will tell anyone who will listen, how amazing the results are. I am also amazed by the amount of ailments it covers with out having to take medicine. I haven’t even bought ibuprofen in over a year and a half. I will never use anything but my CBD cream. It is the only product that provides relief. ”